Mugshots are ugly

One of the best “I got a Versatile Blogger Award” announcements I’ve read!

We Live In A Flat

What is an ugly picture?

How about a mug shot? After all such pictures possibly personify best what is ugly in human society.

Daily Prompt: Shape up or ship out/Ugly

The following is a Versatile Blogger Award response masquerading as a fictitious news article. 😛

Singapore – Donna the local mongrel who was previously turned in for investigation by the authorities for the first suspected unlicensed protest to be staged by a dog in this country has fled. It is rumoured that the dog police whispered in embarrassment the statement that Donna the local mongrel, made her escape when wardens let her out in the yard to read her pee-mail. The authorities do not have an answer as to why the local mongrel held in custody should have access to pee-mail or any kind of communications with the dog network. They have refused to comment for this news report.


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  1. 1st Blogiversary! Woot! | We Live In A Flat
  2. My dog is a mystic “pack leader” |

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